
The main goal of this project was to learn the fundamentals of NextJS, folders routing system, reusable components, databases, api endpoints and more. I did this project in the course of Code with Antonio.

Technologies used:







What did I learn with this project?

- How to make an App with NextJS.

- How folder routing system works.

- How to create, connect and update a database using Prisma.

- Implement OAuth 2.0 with Clerk, allowing to sign in with GitHub, Google, etc.

- How to do a robust project code structure.

- Create dynamic routes with NextJS.

- Use Edgestore to upload files.

- Use Blocknote to create a text editor like Notion.

- How to create nested dynamic and editable pages in a sidebar.

- How to manage recovering deleted notes and filtering data.

What interesting things can I find in this project?

- Text Editor to add images, notes, and more.

- Sidebar with all notes pages organized and nested.

Improvements and ideas

- Faster charge between pages using a faster service.